
In order to send you a quotation, we need you to fill out the following form. Do not forget:

  • Your full details: Company name, your full name, a telephone number where we can reach you for any clarifications and a fax number, if you also need the quotation sent by fax (we do send all quotations by email).
  • The text that needs to be translated or part of it or an attachment with all or part of the text.
  • Details on the format you will send us the original in and that in which you need to receive the translation.
  • The timeline of the translation, that is when it will begin and when you will need it delivered.

We will contact you as soon as possible if we need any additional details or if we need any clarifications. We usually return full detailed quotations in writing within 2-3 working hours.

All quotations are indicative, unless you have sent us the entire text and a specific timeline.

    Full name*:


    Type of company:


    Telephone Number(s)*:



    Please specify your payment terms. Our work is invoiced immediately on delivery.

    Payment terms*:

    Please paste here some representative text or send us an attachment below with representative text. If there is no sample available yet, please describe as well as possible.

    Sample text:

    Please explain the translation scope e.g. entire text sent, 2 of 50 pages total, 1000 of 50000 words total



    Format of original (CTRL-Select all that apply)*:

    Desired format of translation*:

    Desired formatting of translation*:

    Inclusion of tables and graphics in translation*:

    Please specify when you need the translation back, e.g. by end of March, 10 working days, etc.


    We would like to know whether the translation can start immediately. Please answer Yes if the translation can start as soon as you approve our quotation, No if it is not ready yet (and do specify in the timeline when it can start), Potential if you are not at all sure whether this will go ahead

    Ready to start*:


    Please give us any additional details about the translation in question, such as whether and when there will be any updates of the text before completion of the translation and to what extent, whether and when you need partial deliveries of what parts of the text and when you need the final delivery. Do not forget to mention any specific requirements, such as the quality and number of printed copies requested.

    Other requests:

    (PDF, ZIP, RAR only,
    up to 10 MB)